Whenever you are needing to install a new flooring system, it is important to consider the full range of options so that you can choose the one that will most closely match your buildings' needs. To this end, there may be some misconceptions about epoxy flooring that you might need to have corrected before you can adequately assess if this is a solution for your new floor.

Myth: Epoxy Floors Are Only Useful For Commercial Buildings

One of the most common misconceptions about using epoxy flooring is that this is an option that is only suitable for commercial buildings. In particular, a homeowner may assume that epoxy flooring will always have an unpleasant grey or black color. In reality, epoxy flooring can come in a number of different styles, which can make it suitable for homeowners that are wanting a flooring option that will enrich the interior design of their house. Many flooring services will have a showroom or samples that you can review to see how these various designs will look in person.

Myth: An Epoxy Flooring System Takes A Long Time To Install

Another assumption that a person may have about an epoxy flooring system is that this option will require much longer to be fully installed. Not surprisingly, this assumption can cause someone to avoid choosing epoxy flooring for their building as they will want to keep the installation time as short as possible to minimize disruptions. However, epoxy flooring systems are actually among the fastest to install. While the epoxy flooring will need some time to dry and cure, this will likely still be much shorter than what is needed to install most other types of flooring systems.

Myth: The Maintenance Needs Of Epoxy Flooring Will Be Extremely Difficult

Considering the maintenance needs of your flooring system will be another factor to review whenever you are deciding on a system to install. Most individuals will want to choose a flooring system that is as easy to maintain as possible. In this regard, epoxy flooring systems can be among the best solutions due to the fact that they will require minimal effort to keep them clean. Also, they will be strong and durable enough to minimize the risk of them suffering damage from scratches or chips. In the event that the epoxy flooring does suffer damage, repairs can often be made easily by applying a resin to the damaged section.
